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RIDDOR - When to Report

Writer's picture: Richard Nichols Richard Nichols

At Base Solutions, we get asked a lot of Health & Safety questions; quite often, our consultants are asked “when should an accident be reported under RIDDOR?”. So, we decided to write this short article, to help distinguish when an accident must be reported under RIDDOR, and when it should not.

What is RIDDOR

First, let’s define what RIDDOR is:

RIDDOR is the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. A law introduced that requires employers, and those in charge of work premises, to record and keep records of work-related accidents that cause certain serious injuries or deaths.

Breach of regulation is a crime – RIDDOR must be followed to be compliant.

Types of reportable accidents

  • Work related accidents that cause certain specified injuries.

  • Work related deaths.

  • Certain work-related illness.

  • Injuries to others (non-workers).

  • Certain dangerous occurrences.

  • Gas incidents.

Deaths and injuries are only required to be reported when there has been an accident which caused the injury; the injury is one of the specified reportable injuries and the accident was work-related.

How to decide if the accident is work-related

Take into consideration:

  • How the work was organized, carried out or supervised

  • Machinery, plant, substances or equipment used for the task

  • The site/premises’ condition where the accident occurred

If the incident is outside of these factors, or none of them are relevant, it is unlikely that a report will be needed. Just because you have an accident at work, does not mean it is always a RIDDOR.

For instance; an office worker trips over their shoelace and suffers a specific injury. This is not reportable under RIDDOR, as none of the above points are met. It is still reportable internally, as a workplace incident, but not as a RIDDOR incident.

However, an office worker who trips on loose carpeting, and suffers a specific injury, is reportable, as the condition of the premises caused to the accident.

Injuries specified in RIDDOR 2013

  • Fracture, excluding fingers, thumbs and toes

  • Amputation

  • Any loss or reduction of sight

  • Crush injuries to the head or torso that causes damage to the brain or internal organs

  • Serious burns, including scalding, that causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or vital organs; or which covers more than 10% of the bod

  • Scalping that requires hospital treatment

  • Loss of consciousness which is caused by head injury/asphyxia

  • Any injury caused from working in an enclosed space, that leads to:

    • Hypothermia or heat-induced illness

    • Requiring resuscitation or hospital admittance for more than 24 hours

We hope that this guide has been useful in helping to determine when an accident should be reported under RIDDOR. If you feel that your business requires further advice, get in touch with Base Solutions for tailored Health & Safety consultation.

Follow this link to speak to a member of our team.


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