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Understanding what is a Fire Risk Assessment and how is it conducted?

Rudy Witele


One of the most common health and safety risks within the working environment is fire and explosion according to the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE). Every workplace has unique fire safety threats, risks, and obstacles, from factory premises to office buildings and construction sites. Although the risks differ depending on the workplace environment, the common potential causes are electrical problems, mistakenly leaving appliances on, chemical spills or leaks that are combustible or flammable, and smoking in an enclosed public space. It is, for this reason, that the foundation of any organisation's fire safety plan should be a fire risk assessment, which should act as a guide to the development of any organisation's fire safety policies and procedures.

This blog will explore what a fire risk assessment is, who can conduct the fire risk assessment, why it is important, and how Base Solutions can help you comply with the relevant legislation and ensure safety within the workplace.

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

A fire risk assessment is a methodical evaluation of your workplace to identify and help minimise the risk of fire, protect lives and property, and ensure legal compliance with fire safety regulations.

It is a requirement by law for a business which has 5 or more employees to complete the fire risk assessment in a written format to highlight clear communication and accountability. It ensures all employees are informed about fire risks and safety measures, and serves as a valuable reference for training and emergency procedures.

Why is a Fire Risk Assessment important?

No matter the size and nature of a business, it is paramount that a fire risk assessment is undertaken to not only adhere to legal requirements and fire safety regulations but also from a moral viewpoint it shows you are trying to protect the lives of those occupying your business premise and also reducing the risk of injuries and fatalities which may occur.

In addition, from a financial view, you will be minimising potential damages to the property and assets, as the fire risk assessment prevents potential disruptions and ensures swift recovery in case of a fire.

Who completes a Fire Risk Assessment?

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (for England and Wales) (FSO) and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 which replaced most of the fire safety legislations, require a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment to be carried out by a 'responsible person' who under Article 3 of the RRFSO can be the employer, a person who has control of premises in connection with them carrying out any trade, and or the owner, where the person in control of the premises does not have control in connection the carrying on by that person of any trade.

What is included in the Fire Risk Assessment?

The HSE guide to conducting a fire risk assessment:

1. Identify the Hazards

  • Sources of Ignition: Anything that could start a fire, such as electrical equipment, heaters, and open flames.

  • Combustible Materials: Materials that could burn, such as paper, wood, fabric, and certain chemicals.

  • Sources of Oxygen: Anything that could feed a fire, including air conditioning systems and other means of ventilation.

2. Identify People at Risk

  • Employees and Visitors: Consider everyone who may be in the building, including visitors, contractors, and employees.

  • Vulnerable Individuals: Pay special attention to those who might be at increased risk, such as the elderly, children, lone workers, and individuals with disabilities or limited mobility.

3. Evaluate, Remove, Reduce, and Protect from Risk

  • Evaluate Risks: Assess the likelihood of a fire starting and its potential impact.

  • Remove or Reduce Hazards: Implement measures to remove or reduce identified fire hazards. For example, ensure regular maintenance of electrical equipment, proper storage of flammable materials, and implementation of smoking policies. Introduce security measures to reduce the threat of arson attacks and deliberate fire settings.

  • Protect People: Install and maintain fire protection measures such as fire alarms, sprinklers, fire doors, and extinguishers. Ensure there are clear, accessible escape routes.

4. Record, Plan, Inform, Instruct, and Train

  • Record Findings: Document the hazards identified, the people at risk, and the measures taken to mitigate these risks.

  • Emergency Plan: Develop an emergency plan detailing actions to be taken in the event of a fire, including evacuation procedures.

  • Inform and Instruct: Inform employees and occupants about the risks identified and the measures taken to protect them. Provide clear instructions on what to do in an emergency.

  • Training: Conduct regular fire safety training and drills for all employees and occupants.

5. Review and Revise

  • Regular Reviews: Regularly review the fire risk assessment to ensure it remains up to date, especially when there are changes in the building, occupancy, or processes.

  • Revisions: Make necessary revisions to the assessment based on the findings from reviews, new hazards, or changes in regulations.


By understanding and participating in fire risk assessments, you are contributing in creating a safer workplace for everyone. Identifying the extent of a fire risk, assessing the likelihood of a fire occurring and identifying any additional precautions that may be needed or control systems that does not function adequately are important steps in preventing fires and ensuring a coordinated response if one occurs.

At Base Solutions through our invaluable years of experience, we can provide up-to-date knowledge regarding fire safety, fire alarm safety plans, and fire risk assessment. In addition, through cost-effectiveness, we offer fire safety online training courses to highlight what should be done in the event of a fire, how to prevent a fire from occurring, and a basic introduction to the extinguishing protocol. To access our courses, click the below icon or contact us at 02039769478.


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