Toolbox talks are short presentations, delivered to the workforce on a single aspect of health and safety.

Toolbox talks are used to reinforce basic health and safety knowledge, a properly structured talk is a great way of maintaining engagement with the workforce. They can help create a positive health and safety culture and reduce the number of near misses and accidents in the workplace.
On a personal note, I generally mention that what we do in the workplace can also help people keep safe at home, the number of DIY accidents is alarming, an example being struck in the eye by flying debris, at work you would wear eye protection, why not at home?
Tips on toolbox talks delivery:
Prepare your topic.
Get attendees to sign attendance.
Keep it short and to the point, I suggest a maximum of half an hour.
Practice the talk before delivery, the more you practice, the less nervous you will be.
Do not get side-tracked.
Be positive.
Make sure people understand.
Encourage conversation on the topic, some people may not like to raise their hand, explain that if anyone wants to raise a point separately.
Final point

Delivering toolbox talks on a regular basis will go a long way to getting your workforce more encouraged and involved in health and safety, ultimately this could lead to increased staff morale and even staff retention.
Remember, without your employees, you do not have a business. Make sure it is a safe business.