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Online Courses

eLearning Portal

By providing a range of in-house and online training courses, we can guarantee you or your employees are compliant at all levels of your organisation. Please contact us for updates and new offers. 

Health & Safety

Quality Consultancy

The perfect solution for small businesses

Other Services

Since businesses experience rapid change, it's hard to stay on top of the latest legislation, which can increase risk. We provide comprehensive information, as well as expert training to help you comply.



Quality Management Consultancy

Quality Management is the core of every business even if this is not recognised.  It is the goal of many businesses to provide outstanding service to their clients and attract new customers.  However, it is often forgotten that providing good service is built on quality but many organisations tend to separate quality management from good service. Our quality experts can clarify this common misconception and work with you to make the change.


Benefits of having our support

Whether you have a management system in place which you would like to improve, thinking of implementing management system or embarking on ISO 9001 certification to meet business objectives or client requirements, we can provide cost-effective guidance and the support necessary to simplify the process and to embed quality management into existing roles so that quality becomes the responsibility of every member of staff at all levels of the organisation.  Let us help you to achieve a shift in your organisation culture by putting quality at the forefront of the business.

Why not get in touch to discuss our:

One-off consultancy service

Periodic consultancy service 

Our retainer services

Hands-on awareness sessions

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